Massive Risk

Attached to the right strategy, massive risk equals massive opportunity. The amount of personal wealth saved and/or made by assuming this market prognostication is right, or ever close to right, makes a subscription to this line of thought the most important investment you can make right here, right now, no ifs, ands, or buts about it 

-Headline, Elliott Wave Theorist, Apr 12, 2023


There are two ways of subscribing to this analysis:  

First, go right to the source and subscribe directly to Bob Prechter's monthly newsletter: The Elliott Wave Theorist ($37/mo)

Second (and my preferred route): take a subscription to Blue Line Premium ($99/mo) or Blue Line PRO ($249/mo) 

If taking the latter you will ge updates multiple days a week,(PRO-every day) including specific option recommendations crafted to maximize leveraged returns based on the EW analysis, plus, right now we are offering 1/2 off first month to either Blue Line Service with code: GOPRO@50%


There is no financial connection between Blue Line Trading and EWI, I get nothing if you sign up with them, and they certainly get nothing if you sign up with me. We're just looking at the market through the same lens of a third wave down at multiple degrees of trend for now, I give specific trade ideas, they do not. I may have Covid, they probably do not. But that's another story for another time. 

Late Sunday morning edit: My Covid test came back positive, Damn, Massive Risk, Indeed - my throat is so sore I can't talk, good luck my friend. 

IWM Daily

Analysis and specific option recommendations are part of subscription services and what sets Blue Line apart from so many other trading services. We've bought IWM puts twice in 2023, and at least one more coming.

 IYR 120 Minute

 Note how Red "B" breakdowns, were all excellent entries for next month at-the-money puts. 

Just one example of how we turn pattern recognition into triple digit percentage returns in 30-90 days options. We are nearing a similar signal on VIX, only this one to the upside coinciding with a spike in market volatility. Join us at Blue Line and follow along daily for real time analysis and recommendations.