We are coming out of November and into December holding onto some huge winners in both services. As a reminder, the chief difference between the two is that the PRO Service trades are based off of patterns in Hourly price bars, while the Premium Service trades are based off of Daily price bars. As you can see in the tables below, although there are similar trades, they are mostly independent names and/or entries and/or options. Since the PRO Service subscriptions ($249/mo) include the Premium Service ($99/mo), that extra $149/mo gets about double the number of trades. In either case, we are on a roll and the cost of the service pales in comparison to the potential rewards.
PRO Option Trades
Premium Option Trades
New B&H Portfolio
This weekend we added a fourth stock to our Buy and Hold Portfolio. This portfolio contains stocks that we want to be in for the long haul. It is attached to the Premium Service and serves anyone who does not trade options, or simply wants to diversify into a less time-sensitive investment strategy. Our first B&H was TSLA in December, 2019. We added GBTC in mid-2020 and PLTR in early November. This weekend we have added a fourth name to the mix. Sometime in a future free update I'll disclose the company and why it is such an attractive buy at current prices. For now and until all paid subscribers can get in we will keep it out of the free newsletter.
Note: The 50% off first month discount code makes a 30 trial subscription, if only just to learn the identity of this company (and then cancel at end of first month), a pretty good deal. Consider that our "Black Friday Special."