Next Leg Down

This weekend I took my subscribers for a walk down memory lane, reviewing the "last leg down" so all of us will be prepared the upcoming, "next leg down." 

SPX Intermediate Term

The last Wave 2 top was in mid-August and the decline coming out of that high allowed us to build a strategic bearish option portfolio as the decline unfolded. The screenshot below is where that portfolio stood near the mid-October market lows:

Blue Line Premium Option Positions: Oct 13, 2022

The difference today is that the anticipated next leg down will be faster, deeper and more profitable than the August-October leg down. We already have some initial positions in both the Premium and PRO Services, with more to come as more key levels get taken out to the downside. 


FAQ: What is the difference between Blue Line Premium snd Blue Line PRO trading services? 

A: Blue Line PRO moves faster, takes more chances (for better and/or worse) and sends out more stuff. Last week's trades are a perfect example as a more aggressive entry on a fresh IWM signal has already paid off:

Blue Line PRO Trades - Week of Dec 5-9

Blue Line Premium Trades - Week of Dec 5-9

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.