I've identified for our Premium and PRO subscribers a Nasdaq company that will in all likelihood be our next big individual stock short, its chart pattern almost identical to what it was going into the late summer and early fall of 2021 when it was trading around $350 and from which it eventually bottomed out 15 months later under $5:
It has run all the way back up into the $80's and we await its next red down arrow for initiating new positions:
The options strategy will be to buy one position in the "next month" just out of the money put and one position in a "three month" further out of the money put and ride these options, rolling over as necessary, all the way down to near the eventual lows, sometime in advance of this company's $6 billion of restructured high interest rate debt coming due, starting in 2025.
This trade can come as soon as next week, or as late as next month, but being that tomorrow is a full moon, it is more likely to come sooner rather than later.
Blue Line Trading System (a/k/a AllanTrends): Premium Service is $99/mo, PRO Service $249/mo and we offer a 50% discounted FIRST MONTH for all new subscribers (use sign-up code: GOPRO@50%) Link to sign-up page.
Three months into the near year, we just closed out our best trade of the year, looking to replace it with the next best candidate, ASAP: