Just charts for this weekend's complimentary All Allan Blue Line Trading Update. All Allan because its just me these days and Blue Line Trading because I'm red/green color blind. Any other questions? Then take advanage of my 99% discount for our first month and then ask away. Otherwise, it's a "Just Charts Sunday."
There are option trades derived from the analysis embedded in these charts. Two of them are already on and included in this free update. The others have been recently taken, and some are on the cusp of being triggered. These market directional trades are why we spend so much effort and time to decipher the geometry, i.e., pattern recognition of the highest order, repeating cycles with mathematical precision. The kick-off event just occurred, under the radar a 2,000 point DJI drop in less than three days and no one saw it coming, or even happening. Except us, led by the one index that has had our backs the entire way down, the Russell 2000 (RUT/IWM).
RUT - Note grey circles are all Fib retracement reversals from which steep new drops occur over the course of the next options expiration month. Pay attention to the horizontal line connecting previous two Wave 1 lows.
DJI - A sneakily deceptive 2,000 pt decline into the end of last week.
QQQ - This chart makes sense to our regulars. If not, re-read the last few Sunday updates
Blue Line December IWM Trades
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