To my AllAllan readers:
Below is today's daily update to Blue Line subscribers. I'm now sending it out to all of the free AllAllan newsletter readers as these same recommendations were sent to you as part of your "free" subscription. In the spirit of ,"You get what you pay for," my guess is that because these trade ideas were free most didn't take them: The April 2, 2019 free newsletter said buy GBTC (+200% since then) and last week's free newsletter recommended GLD and GDX call options (up 40% and 50% respectively). I can virtually guarantee that if you were a paying subscriber you would have taken at least one is not all of these three trades. In that sense, how much did the "free" part really cost? It cost the opportunity to get your money's worth, and then some. Our Premium service is a $99/mo and the smoking hot PRO service $249/mo. ("GOPRO@50%" for 50% off of first month of PRO)
Blue Line Trading Subscription Page
PS: Netflix (NFLX) is on the brink of 150 million subscribers.
June 24th Update
GBTC is up again, trading as high as $15.26 this morning. We first bought in on March 20th at $5.00 and have been recommending it all the way up. I am moving the stop from a fixed price at $9.00 to a 30% trailing stop, which takes raises the stop to $11.50. If you bought GBTC on March 20th your "risk" now is a gain of over 100%.
Gold (GLD) and the Gold Miners (GDX) are also moving strongly up. On June 20th we recommended the GLD Aug $130 Call at $3.50. It is trading today at $5.00 (+43%). Let's use a 30% trailing stop, which places the stop at $3.50, reducing risk to zero.
We also recommended the the GDX Aug $25 Call at $1.00. It is trading today at $1.50 (+50%). As with GBTC and the GLD call, we will be using at 30% trailing stop on this position, which places the stop at $1.05, once again reducing risk to zero.