"To everything there is a season. A time to gain, a time to lose. A time to rend. A time to sew." - Pete Seeger (adopted from Book of Ecclesiastes)
"It was never my thinking that made the big money for me, it was always my sitting." - Jesse Livermore
As the market closes out August and the traditionally slow summer season, the message delivered by the passages above is the same: Patience. The general market is on a fresh Sell Signal and may, or may not be on the cusp of a major decline. We take what the Buy & Sell signals give us and don't force trades. It is our rule-based methodology that has gotten us this far and generated the trades set out in the tables below. Other than the occasional Special Situation trade, a la GBTC, we are a by-the-book trading service, and in the book for August 26, 2017, it is written: Stand pat.
Enjoy your weekend, we meet back here on Monday.
Bitcoin Corner - GBTC & Bitcoin
Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC)